Friday, April 15, 2011

My top ten resolutions.

My top ten resolution proposal are:
Afghanistan-Wilson. He present a good solution for every issue with the human rights. He describe a possible solution for each human right violation.Wilson's Blog

Yvette-Tibet. She gives a full summary of what is the actual situation in Tibet and gives a good possible solution. But the problem is if China would accept the solution.Yvette's Blog.

Anluishgie-Indonesia. She provides a really good article of the situation of Indonesia that is really touching.
Anluishgie's Blog

Giovanni-Cuba. He shows a good solution for the Cuban citizens. The solution is not easy but almost possible Giovanni's Blog

Ian-Haiti. He show what is happening in Haiti right now and the needs that they need.
Ian's Blog

Juan-Japan. His proposal provide a good solution. the really need international aid. He also provides part of their most important history.Juan's Blog

Shariemar-India. She  provide normal life problems that are happening and the possible solution.Shariemar's Blog

Franklin-Unite Kingdom. good alliance proposal. Franklin's Blog

Valeria- Uganda. she wants equality for everyone.  Valeria's Blog

Angelica-Mexico. She emphasizes in poverty.   Angelica's Blog

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Resolution proposal

I would propose the UN to change the government, but with recent news, diplomacy is not going to work at all. The civilians, workers, tourists, every person that consist in the population of Libya are being threatened by the government and the military. The poverty is increasing as the civil war advance the distribution of resources is being limited.

Diplomatic ways have failed. The UN cannot use a cease-fire agreement because Qaddafi is going to violate it like he did to the basic human rights. Something radical is needed. something like cutting off all importation. This method, might be harmful for a time period, is needed to eliminate the actual government forcing it to destitute Qaddafi from his position as leader of the oppression.

The common population of Libya is living afraid of the civil war occurring. The UN must allow the, more in depth, military intervention. Helping the rebels would destroy the actual type of government. It would increase the speed of the destitution of Qaddafi and increase relation with other countries in a good way. This would make a more peaceful area with an alliance that would benefit everyone.

Poverty is increasing. And a change is needed. Libya needs some economical help to increase the wealth of a common family. A good way of increase the wealth of Libya is to increase jobs they need to not depend mainly in oil exportation because its not stable and it can disappear soon or later. Libya need an industry that provides jobs and an economical push. To make a stronger, wealthier Libya, Qaddafi must be destituted.

Recent history

 Recently there had been several situation in Libya like the pro-democracy war against Muammar Gaddafi, current leader of Libya that have some issues about the civil rights in his country. the Libyan rebels had the support of other countries like France and U.S. that mostly had attacked by air the Libyan army. Gaddafi had not back down from it charge of leader of Libya. Thanks to the support of  the UN the rebel are a solid movement against the oppressive government of Gaddafi. The Libyan army had taken back the town of Ajdabiya that had pushed the rebels back to the eastern front.

The African union is scared that Gaddafi wont follow a ceasefire agreement because they believe that Gaddafi is a big liar and would attack the rebels while they had backed down a bit with the ceasefire. The African union only want Gaddafi to show his face and be judge to stop the civil war.

Libya agreed in 2003 to a $2.7 billion settlement with the families of the victims. and that and a revised settlement for viction of the UTA bombing led the UN Security Council to lift the sanctions imposed more than a decade earlier. Subsequently (Mar., 2004), Libya acknowledged that it had produced and had stockpiles of chemical weapons.

In 2006 the US government quietly removed Libya from its list of states sponsoring terrorism. It seemed the metamorphosis was complete. For the first time in decades, Libyans are optimistic, convinced that the future is theirs.

As a result of these events, the United States lifted most sanctions and resumed diplomatic relations with Libya, although it continued to list Libya as a state sponsor of terrorism until mid-2006.

More Info
History of Libya

celebrating of culture

Overall culture

The Libyan culture have a mixture of European colony and black African slave. Around the eleventh and twelfth centuries the Arabian armies got mixed with the local Berber population. The pure Berber minorities still remains in the southern part of Libya and they stand apart from the rest of the Libyan people and maintain connection with their homeland Tibesti and Ahaggar. The oil wealth is reflected in their architecture. The political distribution of power can be seen with the architecture of traditional and modern structure. The traditional food is cooked by the women and served in the table by the youth of the house. The major economical industry is the exportation of Oil

Music is intimately connected with the traditional culture of Libya. This North African country is inspired by the Arabic culture and therefore the Libyan music is also influenced by the Arabic music. The Arabic music mainly rises out of the Arabic poetry dating back to the pre-Islamic period. Arabian people come from the most ethnic groups and they generally prefer to practice Arabian music. To have an idea about the rich storehouse of music in Libya, the tourists have to collect information about the cultural history of Libya.

Lybian music
Cultural info
Etiquette and customs of Libya

Human rights Issue

Right now Libya is going through a time where the civilian rights are being violated and the government is fighting the UN and the rebels that are fighting for their rights. Muamar Gaddafi is going against the rights of their citizens. The African Union is afraid that Gaddafi is not going to accept the cease fire that the UN is trying to implant in Libya. The citizens of Libya are being killed just for protesting that is a right that they have.

There is a massive killing in Libya that is killing everyone alike:citizens, rebels, and even government worker of Gaddafi that are accused of treason. Now another issue that is occurring is the unfair trial issue. Meaning people are being accused of treason by just speculation. Also many people are being kept prisoners in jail for long time without a fair or not even the opportunity to defend them self in any way without violence. This can encourage normal civilians in to joining the rebel forces against the oppressive government of Gaddafi. All this violation to the human rights(except the civil war issue) had been occurring since the beginning of the actual government.

UN document on Libya and other
African Union and Libya
Missing people in Libya captured by government

Monday, April 4, 2011


Libya republic flag

-North of Africa, between Egypt and Tunisia.
-More than 90% its desert or semidesert
socialist flag
-Hazards include dust storms, sandstorm, very dry and hot.
Government type
-Jamahiriya ( a state of the masses) governed by the populace through local council
- at age of 15 and over they are able to read and write
  -82.6% of the population
   -92.4% male
   -72% female
- Italian, English, all are widely understood in the major cities
-Sunni Muslim 93%
-other 3%
-Birth rate: 24.04 births/1,000 population-Death rate: 3.4 death/1,000 population
-Life expectancy: 77.65 years
Ethnic groups
-Berber and Arab 97%, other 3%
Legal system
-system based on Italian and french civil laws system and Islamic laws.
-18 and older can vote.
unemployment rate
-30% of population.
Population below poverty line
-About 1/3 of the population.
-petroleum, petrochemicals, aluminum, iron and steel, food processing, textiles, handicrafts, cement.Communication
-mobile phones
-state control media broadcast
-state owned satellite-TV
-17 years old to serve
-Armed people on duty
-Libyan Arab Air Force
-Libyan Arab Navy
-Libyan coast guard
Transnational Issuse
-Refugees and internally displaced people
-Trafficking in persons
More info.