Thursday, April 14, 2011

Recent history

 Recently there had been several situation in Libya like the pro-democracy war against Muammar Gaddafi, current leader of Libya that have some issues about the civil rights in his country. the Libyan rebels had the support of other countries like France and U.S. that mostly had attacked by air the Libyan army. Gaddafi had not back down from it charge of leader of Libya. Thanks to the support of  the UN the rebel are a solid movement against the oppressive government of Gaddafi. The Libyan army had taken back the town of Ajdabiya that had pushed the rebels back to the eastern front.

The African union is scared that Gaddafi wont follow a ceasefire agreement because they believe that Gaddafi is a big liar and would attack the rebels while they had backed down a bit with the ceasefire. The African union only want Gaddafi to show his face and be judge to stop the civil war.

Libya agreed in 2003 to a $2.7 billion settlement with the families of the victims. and that and a revised settlement for viction of the UTA bombing led the UN Security Council to lift the sanctions imposed more than a decade earlier. Subsequently (Mar., 2004), Libya acknowledged that it had produced and had stockpiles of chemical weapons.

In 2006 the US government quietly removed Libya from its list of states sponsoring terrorism. It seemed the metamorphosis was complete. For the first time in decades, Libyans are optimistic, convinced that the future is theirs.

As a result of these events, the United States lifted most sanctions and resumed diplomatic relations with Libya, although it continued to list Libya as a state sponsor of terrorism until mid-2006.

More Info
History of Libya

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